The best Decision!

Hiring The Island Company as the property manager for our beach home was the best decision! They handled everything for us before we moved in - from selecting painters and handymen to, believe it or not, finding a  raccoon trapper - and continue to provide invaluable help, including meeting  with repairmen, scheduling  house cleaning, and, on occasion, stocking the refrigerator. "There is nothing that we have asked them to do that they haven't been able and willing to do. Knowing that The Island Company is checking on and taking care of our beach home has given us great peace of mind.  We just wish they could also help us here in Atlanta!

Comprehensive and proactive

We have been enjoying the Service provided by Will Shiver and his team at the Island Company for 12 years. We have great comfort in knowing they are watching/managing our property while we are at our home in VA. Their service is comprehensive and proactive in maintaining the property. As Will has grown his business, he has expanded his resources and vendors to deal with almost any issue or need. The vendors he uses are very responsive and appreciate working with Will’s team. I have been active in Real estate for 20 years on Kiawah and Will is highly respected in the industry. His company is the top group on the Island for property management.

His team came through

We have used The Island Company since the first month we bought our beach home in Kiawah. While we enjoy being directly involved in the home ourselves, we needed someone close at hand that we could rely on and trust to take care of the matters we could not handle from 300 miles away.  

Whether it was arranging for an ongoing service such as landscape care, or a onetime need such as arranging for a cleaning service or meeting the service person for a repair, Will Shiver and his team have come through for us each time.  

It is obvious that their number one concern is making sure their customer's second home remains a pleasure rather than a chore.  We recommend them wholeheartedly.

No Job is Too Great or Small

Quite simply, having The Island Company as your property manager is like having a clone -- Will Shiver cares as much about your home as you do. No job is too great or too small and his response time is immediate.  

Whether it be dealing with a complex geothermal heating system that needs adjusting, a faucet repair, an infestation of flying squirrels in your attic, or a blackberry charger left behind that must be mailed overnight, The Island Company addresses every problem promptly and effectively.  

They are always available via a phone call or an email.  Will has assembled a network of workmen, craftsmen, and housekeeping staff that is every bit as professional and caring as he is -- a testament to the fact that he is as wonderful to work with as he is to work for.  We wish we could find his clone up north!

The owner is always a phone call away

The Island Company is one of those unique operations that is big enough to have the very best home repair providers on speed dial, yet small enough to have the folks who care for your home become trusted friends. Any problem or need concerning your property, The Island Company is both pro-active and quick to supply the very best solution. Maybe that’s why I have been a loyal customer for over 10 years. BTW the owner is always only a phone call away!

I can heartily recommend

We have had a place on Kiawah for about seven years now. I can heartily recommend our home manager, Will Shiver. He checks our place weekly and sends us e-mails after every visit.  

This winter, he went above and beyond the call of duty, by discovering traces of rodents in our attic (I didn't even know he was checking there), setting traps (and successfully catching some rats and removing them), and subsequently bringing in an excellent exterminator who sealed up their entrance/exit holes and provided a one year warranty. Will continued to check the traps in the ensuing weeks and removed some more who were left behind. He did all of this with no extra charge to us.

Will keeps such a close eye on the place, that he took pictures of some rotten siding on the back of our house and e-mailed that to me so we could address the issue. Also just recently he took pictures of our roof and sent to me when we had a lot of leaves there so that we could have our yard people blow  them off.